Eta Carinae is a massive, unstable binary star system located in the Carina constellation, approximately 7,500 light-years away from Earth. It is one of the most luminous and massive binary star systems in our galaxy. Eta Carinae consists of two stars, with one being a massive, highly unstable primary star and the other being a less massive companion star. The primary star is known to undergo periodic outbursts, including the famous "Great Eruption" in the 19th century, which made it one of the brightest stars in the night sky for a brief period. Studies of Eta Carinae are important for understanding the evolution and death of massive stars, as well as the mechanisms behind the extreme variability and outbursts observed in such systems. Researchers are particularly interested in the future fate of Eta Carinae, as it is expected to eventually explode as a supernova or undergo a massive stellar merger.